

May 2024 – “Dictatorship Beyond Borders” – Report about the long arm of the Eritrean regime in Israel


December 2023 – Detention of Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel, Annual Monitoring Report: 2022

May 2023 – Ethiopian Slavery Victims Arriving in Israel through Jordan, Situation report and Reccomndations for Action

May 2023 – The Influence of the New Israeli Government Policy on Refugees, Refugee Forum position paper

March 2023 – Status of Refugees in Israel, Refugee Forum position paper


March 2023 – Double Vulnerability: Women and LGBTQI Refugees and Migrants in the Israeli Asylum and Immigration System

January 2023 – The Influence of the New Israeli Government Policy on Refugees, position paper



December 2022 – Detention of Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel: Annual Monitoring Report: 2021

November 2022 – “Nothing Will Ever Be Enough: The substansive Flaws in the Examination of Asylum Applications of Eritreans in Israel”.

June 2022 – Research Report on the Status of Children of Asylum Seekers in Israel and Around the World


December 2021- Detention of Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Israel, Annual Monitoring Report – 2020


December 2020 – Immigration Detention in Israel, Annual Monitoring Report – 2019

December 2020 – Trapped in Limbo: Israel’s Policy of Avoiding Making Decisions on Well-Founded Asylum Claims

October 2020 – No Way Out: De Facto Stateless Migrants in Israel

March 2020 – A Means To An End: Violation of Labor Rights by Foreign Contracting Companies in Israel. A report by The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants and Kav LaOved

February 2020, Deserted: Sudanese Survivors of Torture in Sinai


December 2019 – 20 Years of Immigration Detention in Israel

November 2019 – 20 Years of Human Rights Achievements

October 2019, “I never told anyone what happened to me in the Sinai“, in: Kinfe Abraha Gebre-Egziabher, Mia Stokmans, Munyaradzi Mawere, and Mirjam van Reisen. 2019. Mobile .Africa: Human Trafficking and the Digital Divide. Baltimore, Maryland: Project Muse

May 2019 – In broad daylight – The Deposit Law: Implementation & Impact. A report by The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants and Kav LaOved

April 2019 – Immigration Detention in Israel, Annual Monitoring Report – 2018


December 2018 – Guide for Integrating Asylum Seekers

December 2018 – Languishing in Line: The Queues at the PIBA Office in Bnei Brak in Early 2018

November 2018 – You Shall not Mistreat Her – A Decade since the Promulgation of the Family Unification Procedure for Migrant Victims of Domestic Violence

October 2018 – Falling On Deaf Ears, Asylum Proceedings in Israel

March 2018 – Immigration Detention in Israel, Annual Monitoring Report – 2017
January 2018 – “Better a prison in Israel than dying on the way” – testimonies of refugees who left Israel for Rwanda and Uganda and received protection in Europe


September 2017 – “Through Hidden Corridors” New trends in human trafficking which exploit the asylum system in Israel

September 2017 – “Knocking at the Gate – Flawed Access to the Asylum System due to the influx of applicants from the Ukraine and Georgia”

September 2017 – “Ye Shall Have One Law” – Administrative Detention of Asylum Seekers Implicated in Criminal Activity

March 2017 – Immigration Detention in Israel – Annual Monitoring Report
January 2017 – Caregivers from Eastern Europe


December 2016 – Forgotten in Prison: The Prolonged Detention of Migrants
December 2016 – Reappears: New Testimonies from Sinai

April 2016- Trafficking in Persons in Israel: Annual Monitoring Report 2015

February 2016- Immigration Detention in Israel: Annual Monitoring Report 2015


December 2015- The Labrynth: Migration, Status and Human Rights

December 2015, “Deported to the Unknown“: testimonies of asylum seekers who left Israel to a third country

July 2015 – Rwanda or Saharonim

April 2015 – Where There is No Free Will: Israel’s “Voluntary Return” Procedure for Asylum-Seekers


December 2014 – No Safe Haven: Israeli Asylum Policy as Applied to Eritrean and Sudanese Citizens

December 2014 – The Detention Review Tribunals

November 2014: “Managing the Despair” – Monitoring report: asylum seekers at the Holot facility April–September 2014

June 2014 – “From One Prison to Another”: Holot Detention Facility

March 2014 – “Streamlining the Process”: On the Mistreatment of Asylum Seekers by the Immigration Authority When They Renew Their Restricted Release Permits

February 2014 – Far From Sight: Migrants and Asylum-Seekers Detained In Israeli Criminal Prisons


March 2013 – Detained Asylum Seekers Pressured to Leave

February 2013 – “Do Not Send Us So We Can Become Refugees Again”: From ‘nationals of a hostile state’ to deportees: South Sudanese in Israel


October 2012 – Israel: Asylum Seekers Blocked at Border
October 2012 – Tortured in Sinai, Jailed in Israel: Detention of Slavery and Torture Survivors under the Anti-Infiltration Law

July 2012 – “Cancer in Our Body”: On Racial Incitement, Discrimination and Hate Crimes against African Asylum-Seekers in Israel, January-June 2012

March 2012 – Until Our Hearts Are Completely Hardened: Asylum Procedures in Israel
March 2012 – The Shelters in Israel for Survivors of Human Trafficking


February 2011 – “The Dead of the Wilderness”: Testimonies from Sinai Desert, 2010


December 2009 – Human Trafficking in Israel, 2008-2009: Legislation, Enforcement, and Case Law


February 2008 – “No Harm Was Caused to the Deceased”: The Response of the Israeli Legal System to Human Trafficking in 2007


December 2007 – The Legalization of Prostitution: Myth and Reality. A Comparative Study of Four Countries

October 2007 – “Another Delivery From Tashkent”: Profile of the Israeli Trafficker

August 2007 – Freedom Inc.: Binding Migrant Workers to Manpower Corporation in Israel

June 2007 – Paper Pimps: Advertisements for Prostitution Services in Israel

May 2007 – Deported and Dispossessed: Human Trafficking and the State of Israel: Between Economic Struggle and Systemic Dispossession


July 2005 – The Missing Factor: Clients of Trafficked Women in Israel’s Sex Industry


August 2003 – Women as Commodities: Trafficking in Women in Israel 2003

May 2003 – Immigration Administration or Expulsion Unit?

February 2003 – “For You Were Strangers”: Modern Slavery and Trafficking in Persons in Israel

Briefs and Position Papers


May 8, 2018 – State Comptroller Finds Failures in Israel’s Asylum System

March 7, 2018 – Proposed “Override Clause” threatens to strip asylum seekers of basic protections under Israeli law and could give Knesset carte blanche to violate their right


April 1, 2015 – Israeli authorities escalate pressure on Eritreans and Sudanese to leave the country with no clear safeguards or protections
April 1, 2015 – Slavery and Trafficking in Persons in Israel


October 29, 2014 – Update: Asylum Seekers in Israel

February 25, 2014 – The Struggle to End Detention of Unaccompanied Minors in Israel
February 2014 – There are Alternatives to Child Detention


September 23, 2012 – Detention of Minors and Children Arriving from the Sinai Desert

August 11, 2012 – African Asylum Seekers Arriving in Israel via the Sinai Desert (Refugees’ Rights Forum publication)
August 8, 2012 – Legislation Targeting Asylum Seekers in Israel in 2012

July 15, 2012 – Detention of Sinai Torture Victims for 3 Years under the Anti-Infiltration Law
July 4, 2012 – Detention and Deportation of South-Sudanese Refugees from Israel

July 2012 – Briefing: Asylum-Seekers and Refugees in Israel

June 4, 2012 – African Asylum Seekers Arriving in Israel via the Sinai Desert (Refugees’ Rights Forum publication)

January 11, 2012 – The Prevention of Infiltration Law
January 2012 – Israeli Government Plan for the World’s Largest Prison for Asylum Seekers
January 2012 – Unlawful Long-Term Detention of Asylum-Seekers and Migrants
January 2012 – Detention of Minors Arriving from the Sinai Desert


November 30, 2011 – Hundreds of Refugees Held Hostage in Sinai Torture Camps Need Rescuing

September 20, 2011 – The Israeli Refugee Status Determination Process – General Background

July 2011 – Amendment to Anti Infiltration Law Prepared in the Knesset: Asylum-Seekers Might Face Years in Prison

May 2011 – Employing Asylum-Seekers in Israel: Regulations and Problems


September 23, 2010 – Treatment of Asylum Seekers in Israel
September 2010 – Unlawful Long-Time Detention of Asylum-Seekers
September 2010 – New Regulations for the Treatment of Asylum-Seekers in Israel
September 6, 2010 – Incitement and Racism against Asylum-Seekers in Israel

June 2010 – Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Female Migrant Workers and Asylum Seekers

February 2010 – The Infiltration Prevention Bill: Lies and Reality


August 2009 – Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Israel: August 2009 Update (Refugees’ Rights Forum publication)

July 2009 – Summary of the Law against Infiltrators into Israel

February 2009 – Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Israel: February 2009 Update (Refugees’ Rights Forum publication)


June 2008 – The Principle of Non-Refoulement (Refugee Rights Forum publication)
June 2008 – Policy Paper: The Detention of Asylum Seekers and Refugees (Refugee Rights Forum publication)
February 2008 – Principles for Protecting the Rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (Refugee Rights Forum publication)


October 2005 – Implementation of the Endorn Report: Concern about Human Trafficking in Israel
