“Dictatorship Beyond Borders” – Report about the long arm of the Eritrean regime in Israel


During the last period, toward the May 24th Eritrean Independence Day, there were more and more threats by the Eritrean regime supporters towards those who ran away from Eritrea with the hope of finding haven in Israel, but in vain. On May 9th, 2024, after several violent clashes, M.I., one of the  Eritrean community leaders was stabbed to death by regime supporters in Hatikva neighborhood.

M.I., the refugee who was murdered, is one of those who were arrested without any…

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During the last period, toward the May 24th Eritrean Independence Day, there were more and more threats by the Eritrean regime supporters towards those who ran away from Eritrea with the hope of finding haven in Israel, but in vain. On May 9th, 2024, after several violent clashes, M.I., one of the  Eritrean community leaders […]

Help us fight human trafficking


The video you are about to watch is based on a true story. The names have been changed, but the details are taken from the reality of many migrants in Israel. Alongside many cases of families who...

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20 Years of Human Rights Achievements

A new book by the Hotline for Refugees and Migrants: 20 Years of Human Rights Achievements As a part of our 20-year anniversary, we asked Hotline current and former staff members and volunteers, supporters, and clients to...

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