New report: Caught in the Crossfire Tanzanian Agriculture Students Caught up by the Gaza – Israel War


“Two days after the massacre, on Monday, October 9, 2023, Daria (from Agrostudies) called and told us we needed to go to the dairy farm to take care of the cows, as Hamas had attacked the farm, destroyed generators, and killed cows. Soldiers came to take us from the apartment to the dairy farm that Monday at around 11 AM. We heard alarms and explosions from interceptions while we worked on the farm. It was very frightening. After work, the soldiers returned us to the apartment (in Mefalsim).”

“Two days after the massacre, on Monday, October 9, 2023, Daria (from Agrostudies) called and told us we needed to go to the dairy farm to take care of the cows, as Hamas had attacked the farm, destroyed generators, and killed cows. Soldiers came to take us from the apartment to the dairy farm that […]

The Hotline’s 2019 annual detention monitoring


The Hotline’s 2019 annual detention monitoring report reveals: Injustices in the Population Authority’s detention facility and concentrated attempts to detain and deport families with school-aged children. Data from the Population and Immigration Authority reveal that the Authority...

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